Is it your first time for a haircut at Mogeen?
Please come with (semi-)clean hair so we can see how your hair naturally falls. It would be great if you can wear your hair down and avoid using elastic hairbands the day of your cut.

Is it your first time for a colour at Mogeen?
We advice new clients to come in for a consultation. before scheduling their colour appointment. It is a 15 minute, one to one chat with your colorist, where we will examine your hair type and discuss what colour suits you best. Please make sure you book an intake in advance to prevent misunderstandings and incorrect treatment booking. You are always welcome to call the salon when in doubt before booking something so we can personally assist you.

Do you need to cancel or move your appointment?
Please do this at least 18 hours in advance. If not, we will unfortunately have to charge 100% of the appointment with no shows (uncanceled appointments), and 50% with late cancellations.

Do you have an emergency or are you feeling unwell on the day of your appointment:
Please cancel latest by calling the salon between 09:15 and 10:00 on the day of your appointment. We will unfortunately have to charge 100% of the appointment with no shows (uncancelled appointments).

If you have any questions or concerns, you are always welcome to call the salon or email us at

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Vijzelgracht 31
1017 HN Amsterdam

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